山口由葉 | 天王洲のアートスポット WHAT CAFE



2020 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程絵画専攻油画 修了
2018 名古屋造形大学大学院造形研究科修士課程造形専攻 修了
2016 名古屋造形大学造形学科造形学部洋画コース 卒業
1992 愛知県生まれ

2024 まばたきを繰り返す / GALLERY HAYASHI + ART BRIDGE / 東京
2023 線をひっぱる / TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY / 東京
2023 project N90 山口由葉 / オペラシティアートギャラリー / 東京
2021 四角い宇宙 / TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY / 東京
2021 絵 雨の雫 / Gallery Valeur / 名古屋
2020 私の近所の絵 / Art Space & Cafe Barrack / 愛知

2022 Valeur/Gallery Valeur / 名古屋
2020 流れて描く / アートラボあいち / 名古屋
2020 アートアワードトーキョー 丸の内
2020 / 行幸地下ギャラリー / 東京
2020 第68回東京藝術大学卒業・修了作品展 / 東京藝術大学上野校地/東京
2019 CAF 賞 2019 入選作品展覧会代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム / 東京
2018 第14回名古屋造形大学 大学院修了展 / 名古屋造形大学 / 名古屋

2020 アートアワードトーキョー 丸の内 2020 / 野口玲一賞
2019 CAF 賞 2019 / 白石正美賞

2018 香港バプテスト大学(香港/中国)


Yuiha Yamaguchi is an artist based in Nagoya, Japan. She has graduated from MA Fine Art, Tokyo University of Arts.
Yamaguchi draws scenes he sees in his daily life or while on the move, and then incorporates the forms into his paintings. Yamaguchi’s work begins with a drawing that serves as a memory device for the tableau. The drawing is composed of black lines, and as he travels by car or bus, he looks at the scenery passing by through the window, memorizes it, draws it, and then finishes it when he forgets what he was trying to depict. He then draws a tableau from the drawing, stroke by stroke, based on the sensation of flashbacks of Yamaguchi’s memories as he looks at the symbolized lines. For Yamaguchi, the layers of paint that he chooses to apply stroke by stroke while thinking about the painting are the most important elements in the composition of the painting.
Yamaguchi, who decides on a move at the moment a painting is created by inevitable and inevitable contingency, seeks a balance that is just barely possible in the space of the painting. At first glance, it appears as if Yamaguchi simply paints, but viewers are able to relive his thoughts as an artist, the elements and processes he seeks in his paintings, and the “events within the painting space,” so to speak.




