安藤晶子 | 天王洲のアートスポット WHAT CAFE
1987年茨城県に生まれ、東京工芸大学デザイン学科卒業後、作品制作の傍ら挿絵や本の装画、ファッションブランドとのコラボレーションなど、幅広く制作活動に取り組んできました。水彩や、油彩、コラージュなど様々な手法を用いて丁寧に紡がれる画面は色鮮やかに光と生命の喜びを感じさせます。近年ではNEWoman新宿のウィンドウディスプレイを手がけ、Idemitsu Art Award展 2022にて入選を果たし一層注目を集めるアーティストです。

1987 茨城県生まれ
2010 東京工芸大学芸術学部デザイン学科卒業

2023年「New Life People」LEESAYA 東京

2022年 Idemitsu Art Award 入選

Akiko Ando was born in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1987. After graduating with a degree in design from the Faculty of Art at Tokyo Polytechnic University, she set about a wide range of production activities. More specifically, aside from creating her own artistic works, she made illustrations and cover designs for books, and collaborated with fashion brands. The carefully rendered pictures applying various techniques including watercolor, oil painting, and collages seem to radiate a brilliant light and make the viewers feel the joy of living. In recent years, she has been attracting even more attention; she has done window displays for NEWoman Shinjuku and was selected for the Idemitsu Art Award exhibition in 2022.




