尾潟糧天 | 天王洲のアートスポット WHAT CAFE



2021.2 SUiii hair salon (札幌)個展「MONSTERS」
2021.5 wise owl hostels river tokyo (東京) 個展 「Awe」
2021.8 SOUR&SISHA SERA(東京) 個展 「Dimension」
2021.9 NNN SHISHA CAFE&BAR (札幌)個展 「Dimension」
2021.10 Maru Art Center(韓国) グループ展 「韓・中・日 文化協力美術祭」出展
2021.11 Pop up House Section L 合同展(東京)「TREK」
2022.3 Shibuya Fashion Week 2022 Spring 出展(東京)「Identity/Contact」
2022.8 LIFFT Concept Shop (東京)個展「鯨寄る浦、虎伏す野辺」
2022.9 Clio Art Fair New York(ニューヨーク) 出展
2022.12 雨後 (札幌)個展 「Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?」
2023.3 MA5 Gallery(東京) 個展 「PHYSIS」
2023.11 YOKOHAMA BAYSIDE WAREHOUSE (横浜)個展 「Surges」


Born in 1994. Born in Hokkaido, Japan. Began working as a contemporary painter in 2021. Inspired by his experience of growing up in the rich natural environment of Hokkaido, he creates works mainly using the sea as a motif. While painting works are at the core of his work, he depicts nature in parallel, crossing various media, including digital works that cross nature and technology, and physical performance works.







●「Solaris (13inch) 30min」/ 2023 /437 × 398 × 140mm/Monitor,Steel frame,Raspberry Pi

●「Dimension 0-6-7」/ 2024 /606 × 727mm/Acrylic and mixed medium on wooden panel