顧 剣亨 | 天王洲のアートスポット WHAT CAFE



主な個展に「A PART OF THERE IS HERE」YUKIMOMIZUTANI GALLERY(東京), KYOTOGRAPHIE 2019「15972 Sampling」SFERA(京都), TOKYOGRAPHIE 2018 「Utopia」GALLERY WATER(東京),「霧霾| Wu-Mai」ワコールスタディホール京都ギャラリー(京都),「Utopia」元淳風小学校(京都)等。

主な受賞歴に「KG + Award 2018」グランプリ,「sanwacompany Art Award / Art in The House2019」グランプリ。


Kenryou Gu was born in Kyoto and raised in Shanghai, and now lives and works in Kyoto.
He earned his BFA in Photography at Kyoto University of the Arts (formerly Kyoto University of Art and Design), studying abroad at the École nationale supérieure de la photographie in Arles, France.

Gu’s work captures at once the sensations of the body moving through space as well as the accumulation of sights and scenes, then uses photography as a device through which to transform and reconfigure this information in wide-ranging ways. His unique method of weaving together time and space uncovers latent and unknown contexts that lie behind the information he collects.

Solo exhibitions include A Part of There is Here (Yukiko Mizutani Gallery, Tokyo), 15972 Sampling (SFERA, Kyoto, Kyotographie 2019), Utopia (Gallery Water, Tokyo, Tokyographie 2018), 霧霾| Wu-Mai (Wacoal Study Hall Kyoto Gallery, Kyoto), Utopia (Former Junpu Elementary School, Kyoto).

Awards include Grand Prix, KG+ Award (2018) and Grand Prix, sanwacompany Art Award / Art in the House (2019).


